School/Life Balance

Nursing Graduate with Son

Being a college student, at any age, is a challenge. However, at Rhode Island College we provide countless resources to help you navigate your undergraduate or graduate experience while also balancing family, jobs, health, and additional life challenges.

Helping You Maintain Balance

Not finding the right balance between your academics and other outside responsibilities can take its toll on your physical and mental health. We know at Rhode Island College many of our students wear multiple hats - you are students, parents, providers, workers and more. We want our students to work towards success by completing their degree without having to make sacrifices. 

Assisting with Mental Health and Stress Management

Counselor helping student at table

Finding balance with life and school can be extremely stressful. We encourage all of our students to utilize services and resources such as the Counseling Center, Health Services and the Recreation Center to assist with reducing stress and finding balance for your physical and mental health.

More on Supporting Our Students' Well-Being

Fostering Organizational Skills

Our professional Student Success staff is here to instruct you on:

  • planning ahead and setting a schedule 
  • making to-do lists
  • prioritizing deadlines for your classroom work
  • setting goals and deadlines
  • recognizing your own personal limits
  • asking for help

More on Academic Support and Resources

Meeting the Needs of Commuter Students

We recognize that a good number of our students are local commuter students, so their needs are important to us. If you are interested in commuting to campus, we want you to know that we work hard to provide you with the resources and amenities you'll need, such as:

  • Free Parking Passes  ✔︎
  • Communal and Study Spaces  ✔︎
  • Computer Labs and Printers  ✔︎
  • Specialized Commuter Student Dining Plan  ✔︎

Keeping You Informed

phone showing a RIC Alert message about activities being canceled and parking restricted

Like all RIC students, our commuter students get signed up with RICAlert to receive instantaneous notifications of delays, cancellations and closures on campus. We want you to be well informed of any on-campus changes before you begin your daily commute to RIC. 

Recognizing Individual and Specialized Needs

We also understand that needs are often unique and individualized, stemming from very personal struggles. Our dedication to diversity, equity & inclusion, as demonstrated by our high-level initiatives and devoted offices and services, means that we are here to assist you through these challenges. 

More on Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Rhode Island College entrance

Contact Us

Dean of Students Office

We improve the quality of student life by addressing students’ needs and we work to maintain student safety.